




19.How do scientists protect the tree?A.By protecting its top.B.By raising local birds.C.By hiding its location.


30.What does the underlined word “peddling” mean in Paragraph 37A.Learning.araC.Riding.B.Using.D.Selling.31. When did the Dala horse begin to become the symbol of Sweden?A. In the 17th century.C. In the 1th century.B.In the 18th century.D.In the 20th century.D



5.What are the speakers doing?A.Waiting in line. B.Buying drinks. C.Looking for a place.


22. As an environmentalist, which one are you most likely to choose?A.Tutoring Assistant. B.Garbage Olympics.C.Swissvale Farmers Market.D.Food Pantry Distribution.