




16.What was the result of the cooking competition?A.Karina won a big award in the end.B.Karina got a full-time job from a top chef.C.Karina's cooking skills were recognized by the judges.


30.A.inBwith C.atD.on第二节:阅读下面短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。请将正确答案的序号填在题前的答题栏中。I have learnt Chinese for years. Some people who want to learn Chinese often ask mehow to learn it well. There is no simple 31 to this question. However, I would like to____share my journey of learning 32 with you.____Learning a new language takes time and hard work. Chinese is 33 from my ownlanguage French. The fact makes it harder for me to 34 Chinese words. It can be verydiscouraging(使人气馁的) because memorizing words is the first step to learning alanguage well.To solve the problem, I read lots of 35 articles about how to learn a language more____quickly. The most popular 36 on the Internet was to make flashcards (识字卡) . You can____put whatever you are trying to memorize on the front side of the 37 . It can be a word, a____sentence or a picture. On the back, there is something that should come into your head whenyou see the front side.With the card, you can 38 what you want to remember with something you arefamiliar(熟悉的) with. These connections make it 39 and less boring to rememberwords. What's more, for difficult words to remember, you can 40 them again and again.31.A.A.answer B.ticket C.secret photo32.A. English B.French C.Japanese .Chinese33. A. direct B.different C. similar D.same34.. change B.steal C//remember D.forget35.. helpful B.meaningless C. boring D.difficult36. A. news B.suggestion C. purpose D.poem37. A. stamp B.textbook C coinnD.card38.A./agree B.cover C. cconnect D.play39:A easier B.harder C. bigger D.longer40.A. warn vie v C.punish D.avoid



13.What is the probable relationship between Mr. Strong and the woman?A.Husband and wife.B.Customer and saleswoman.C.Boss and secretary.


12. What fruit does Harry eat after lunch?B.AA banana.A.An apple. Harry have?C.A pear.13. How many(多少) baseballs doeFive.A. Four. vith after school?C. Seven.x-714. Who does Harry play soA. His classmates.B. His cousins. C. His friends.