




35. Which of the following would be the best titlele?AA. A Tooth-Cleaner Fighting BacteriaB.A New Concept for a New StartC. A Shape-Shifting Robotic Tooth-CleanerD. A Breakthrough in MedicineD. Always compete with yourE. Tell them that they will getF. It's all up to you to decideG. However, you know that t


thought it was a palace. 46 , in October my mother lost her job. November’s 47went unpaid, sdid December's. Cissy and I knew we'd soon move 48 .soonOn Christmas Day, Mrs Hendrix knocked on the front door. Mom was out, so I 49 it. I'dreceived eviction(驱逐) notices before, so I knew what to 50 .Mrs Hendrix held out a 51 to me.smiling as she said, “I thought you girls might enjoy some bread. I bake it every Christmas.”Unpreparedfor such 52 , I managed a“Thanks. Closing the door, we 53 the box. There were bread,candy, and new socks and gloves for us three. No eviction notice!We lived over five years in our twenty-fourth home. The Hendrix es gave Cissy and me something wehad never known in our 54 lives: the comfort of belonging, and 55 41.A.used B.devoted C.attached D. opposed42.A. considered B.attended C.missed D.recommended43. A. patient with B.grateful for C. uncertain about D. tired of44.A.finally B.hardly C.gradually D.easily45.A. dirty B.modern C. small D.quiet46.A. However B.Otherwise C. Besides D.Therefore47.A.insurance B. damages C. debts D.rent48.A.instead B.still C.again D. sometimes49.A. repaired B.answered C.interrupted D.ignored50.A.decide B.ask C.save D. expect51.A.notice B.box C.bag D.key52.A. honesty B.wisdom C.courage D.generosity53.A.packed up B.dug through C.focused on D. took over54.A.happy B.new C.young D. special55.A. stability B.reputation C.fortune D.justice



)444. The writer starts this article by ____A. listing numbersB. asking a questionA.sC. telling a story D. giving an example


31.Which is the most suitable title for the text?A.Walking Improves the Quality of LifeB.Petting Dogs Can Boost Your HealthC.Animals Might Lift Patients' SpiritsD.Happiness Lies in Helping Others