




But he was 4in the sixth round of he NL dr a ot to belive in him.him was himself. All he needed was a 51 and he finally got it.”He highlights that sometimes faith is the only thing we can 52 in life.“As a studentwith learning difficulties, I found school life struggling and almost no one believed I wouldsuccessfully graduate, but I’m 53 .That’s 54 I believed I would be the best I could besuccesd m best might 55 in my life again but there'll al wavs be a new season believing, ”says Peter.b41. A. enjoying B. considering C. evaluating D. doingh。B.captain .audienceD. member513. A strangely B.gradually C.certainly D. luckily14. A. Otherwise B.Therefore C. Instead D. HoweverA45. A. example B.place C.speech D.role46. A. announced B.thought C.doubted D.promisedC847. A. conservative B. modest C.athletic D. honest48. A. plan B.reason C.permission D.decision49. A. challenged B.protected C.defeated D. picked8550. A. only B.right C.second D.curious1. A. chance B.process C.suggestion D.discovery52. A. come up withB.stay away fromC.take notice of D.hold on to3.A. here B.there C.anywhere D. nowhere4. A. when B.because C.why D.how55.A. disappear B.recover C.fail D. improve


14.Why does the woman disagree with the suggestion of bacon?A.It's not to her taste.B.It's not quick to make.C.It's not healthy enough.



19.Why did Gran a Mos cs ps int in her old age?A.T'n pass the li :.B.To make roney. (.Tn cs hibit her artworks.


29. What did the study done in Canada find about the students interacting with dogs?A. They disliked raising pets. B. They enjoyed much respect.C. They were very academie. D. They became less homesick.