




35. What can be the best title for the texext?A. Particle Radiation Changes for the Solar ActivityB.Will It Be Safe for Humans to Fly to Mars?C.Humans Will Travel to Mars in Two YearsD.The Timing of a Trip to Mars Is Planned(40R1sitsno ni rio low2olilbliW200s0 ran


(C 13.Where are the tea plants usually grown?A.On the sides of rivers.B.n the top of mountains.C.On the sides of mountains.s.



35.What may be a suitable title for the text?能A. Does your diet contain enough proteins?? B. Do you consume bone soup properly?C Does bone soup really benefit health??D. Is bone soup rich in essential nutrients


2.What kind of bag does the woman want to take?A.A yellow one. B.A blue one. C.A re done.