




阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的AB、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。I came to the U. S.for my undergraduate studies. I got used to life here and did wellAfter graduation I stayed to pursue a Ph. D.in biology. During graduate school, though, I wasconvinced I was n't42ffor science. So I decided to pursue a career as a consultant43.Butsix months after that, I was laid off.Like any person who loses their job, I felt anger and anxiety. I could have one-year44of my student visa when I could work, but I was only allowed 90 days of unemployment before Ihad to leave the country. I felt painfully445


( ) 6. A. To the museum. B. To the library. ①To the mountain.( ) 7. A. Because he got good grades in the examB. Because their football team won the match.C. Because he got a gift from his mother.



may batabies re net to un familia t babies. They may start to ery.. They may touch ench other.C. They may show much fear.What mny the study lead to?A. Much more parenting time with babies.B. A greater demand for experienced babysitters.C. An increase in family-based day care centers.


34.What do we know from the last paragraph?A.Exercise can put off the beginning of memory decline.B.The findings fit in with the study of healthy food.C.Exercise will definitely strengthen people's memory.D.Alzheimer's disease may be held back by moderate intensity exercise.