




B0. How long did the man stay in Hong Kong?A. For a week. B. For half a month.C.For half a year.



阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Over the past 37 years, Zhuang Yuan jun has been devoted to his position working in therural area of Lin jiang city in Northeast China’s Jilin province. He has helped more than 200 4I leave the remote mountain region.Zhuang was 42 to teach at the village primary school in 1986. Zhuang was the 43____teacher at the school.“I wouldn't exactly call it a 44 , ”he says.“There was only a smallroom, which was 45 as both a classroom of all students and the teacher's office. All the____students of 46 grades had to have lessons in the same classroom. ”He 47 the____blackboard into different parts for students and alternated lessons between them. During hisspare time, Zhuang 48 to improve conditions at the school.“The schoolhouse was s____shabby(破旧的) that I asked my relatives to help fix the walls, " he says.“To save coal in the24045C