




himself together and 54 toward the first barrier: the ramp(斜坡). The rough land55 destroyed what was left of his bike.56him.A she got through the other obstacles, he could hear the other riders 5The final barrier was a narrow 57 across a stream. James almost fell, but he58 himself and broke the finish line with his 59 tire in the air!As the judge s hook his hand and 60 him, Jahim, James smiled from ear to ear. He hadwon!41.A.packed B.pieced C.collectedD.organizedD.project42.A. race B.surprise C.successD.failures43. A. cases B.injuries C.tricksD.wheel44.A. cycle B.foot C.side45.A. walked B.turned C.wanderedD.glancedD.misty46.A. shiny B.royal C.dusty47. A. quitting B.defending C.winningD.recovering48.A. signed up B.lined up C.dressed upD.straightened up49.A.results B.goals C.stagesD.experiments50.A. course B.pass C.gameD.movement51.A. need B.problem C.solution D.exception52.A. assisted B.grabbed C.overtook D.impressed53. A. Bettering B.Hearing C.Forgetting D.Recalling54. A. charged B.attempted C.stepped D.slipped55. A. merely B.nearly C.suddenly D.eventually56. A. gaining on B.laughing at C.cheering for D.leaving behind57.A.track B.boat C.bridge D.railway58.A.lifted B.reflected C.improved D.righted59.A. new B.flat C.spare D.used60.A.blamed B.examined C.evaluated D.congratulated


the 80% that is not electrified? You need to replace those fossil fuels. Not in 50 years’ time.You need to replace them now."D2. Why are some experts cautious about green hydrogen production in Spain?A. It causes conflicts among countries.B. It has an effect on heavy industries.C. It needs large amounts of sun and wind.D. It use s lots of zero carbon electricity.



C What may the speakers do after the movie?A. Buy some dog foodB. Watch a football game. C.Fetch their repaired car.


5.Why was Simon unhappy with his first climb?AA. His arms hurt. B.He was the slowest.C. He didn't get to the top.