




35.What is the best title for the text?A.What a Classroom Needs for a FightB.Why a Plant Has an Effect on StudentsC.How a Teacher Changes His StudentsD.How a Teacher Becomes Popular


butterfly moved 43ed from one flower to another . He b 44 that the butterfly wascompletely at peace with the world around it and that it didn't seem to 45to achieveanything, simply enjoying the beauty of the moment. Zhang understood that the butterfly'sstillness(宁静) was what 46 it to bey the universe. From that moment on, Zhang made ithis 47 to develop stillness in his own mind.Every day he spent hours meditating and48 all his anxieties. Soon, Zhang found the journey towards stillness was a long and49 one. But he made up his mind to 50 on this path. He believed that with patienceand 51 he could also experience the beauty of obeying the universe just like the butterflydid. A s he continued to 52 , he came to understand life is too short to worry about thingsbeyond 53 and that everyone should 54 what they already have. With this newfoundunderstanding, he was 55 to find peace and satisfaction in every moment.B41. A. release B.explore C.clarify D.defineA42. A. dancing B.singing C. kicking D.workingD43. A. secretly B.effortlessly C. cautiously D.frequently0 44. A. imaginedB.confirmed C.predicted D.realized45. A. struggle B.agree C.refuse D. hesitateB46. A. forced B.allowed C.required D.advisedC47. A. hobby B.profession C. mission D.honor



A.Worried. B.Unconcerned. C. Wonderful.9. What does Mom prepare for Jeff to take to school?odi boonno bi 9A. Apple pies. B. Chocolate cakes.ay sh sC. Carrot cakes.


35.What is the best title for the text?A.What a Class roor Needs for a FightB.Why a Plant Has an Effect on StudentsC.How a Teacher Changes His StudentsD.How a Teacher Becomes Popular