




14.Why does the woman recommend the topic of employment?A.It is a hot topic in local news. B.She has done a lot of work on it.C.It is popular with most students.


33. What's the advantage of the Pet Track system over a camera-based sysstem?A. It is significantly cheaper.B.It can automatically feed the pet.C.It poses less privacy risk for the user.D. It can detect the pet's emotional state.0



I was very lonely, and 32was my first year at a middle school, and my old school was far away. So no one 33 to make friends with anyone.Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, Iabout my problems.students talking and laughing, I felt my heart broken. could talk withThe n one day, my 34u hap g happily with their friends, but I was sitting at my deskpast me and then tured back. He 36 me, with a smile.unhappily as usual. At that moment, a boy 35 the classroom. I didn’t know who he was. He walkedSu den ly, I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It made me That smile 38 37 happy and warm.A be ca39 my life. I started to talk with other students and made friends. Day by day, I be caneto everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile has be co e my best friend now.do.One day I asked him why he smiled, but he couldn’t remember it at all!beis. If you think it is 40It doesnt matter because all the dark days have gone. I believe that the world is what you think it(40 , you might always be alone. So smile at world and it will smile back.31. A. courseB. dream C. smileD. noise(A)32. A. happyB.able C. sleepyD. afraid(33. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody(( 3)34. A. teachers B. parents C. classmates D. neighbors)335. A. walkedB. entered C. mentioned D. suggested( A 37. A. feel B.smell C. taste D.hear( )36A. looked up B. looked throughC. looked for D. looked at)( 1338. A. created B. changed C. completed D. chose( )39A. closer B. farther C higher D. lower( 3) 40. A. lively B.friendly C. lonely D. lovelyV.阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)


Lucy lives in a village in Shanghai with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. King. Mr. King 31 in a factory.Mrs. King is a teacher in our school. She teaches us 32 . In her class, we can learn many English wordsand sentences. She is 33 to us and we all love her.Lucy like s eating Chinese food very much. On Sunday mornings, she usually goes to the shop andhelps her mother 34 some shopping. They often buy a lot of 35 , like oranges, apples and bananas.But Lucy's brother lives in a town in France. It is a wonderful but busy town. People there are very kind.On the old streets, there are many 36 . People can have a lot of delicious food and cool beer there.Lucy's brother is a cook in a restaurant. He makes Chinese food for it. It is very easy to go shopping37 there are many supermarkets and shops. There is a big cinema near his home, so he can see greatfilms there. People in the town will 38 feel bored because there are a lot of things to do.Now, many people want to live in big cities. However, I like the nature best, so I would like to livein the village or in the town. Here, I can 39 the field and sunflowers. Sometimes rabbits run into mygarden. I think it’s very 40 to be in this beautiful place. Welcome to my home! You will feel veryhappy here.( ) 31. A. works B.plays C. studies D. looks( ) 32. A. history B. music C. English D.art( ) 33. A. hard B. friendly C. serious D. terrible( ) 34. A. ask B.take C. make D.do( ) 35. A. meat B.drinks C.fruit D.snacks( ) 36. A. hospitals B. restaurants C. museums D. schools( ) 37. A. because B. until C.if D. although( ) 38.A. always B.usually C. often D.never( ) 39.A. enjoy B.miss C. leave D.worry( ) 40.A. difficult B.boring C. comfor table D.bad