



32.Rachel Carson's Silent Spring“alt cred the course of history”becaus c .____A.it made pco plea war c of the abuse of pesticidesB.it started a wave of c nvironmental is m across the worldC.it cx plain cd a complex technical subject in a sim plc wayD.it led to the c ration of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

5.What is Mr Thomas's life like now??AA. Worse than before.B.Happier than before.C. As good as before.



22.Which courses are more suitable for people with certain basis?A.Rosetta Stone and Mem rise. B.Duo lingo and Mem rise.C.Babb el and Rosetta Stone. D.Babb el and Duo lingo.


ents we achieve sometimes against all odds.menmon B.arm C.ear D. finger41. A. leg42. A. explorers B.soldiers C. heroes D.boatmenB.greedy C.experienced D.honest43. A. rudeB.Otherwise44. A. StillC.Thus D.And45. A. remoteB.quiet C.unknown D.vast46. A. trip B.journey C.travel D.tour47. A live B.hunt C.hide D.survive48. A. nearly B.already C.mostly D.never49.A. making B.handling C.rowing D.repairing50.A. talk B.discuss C.fight D.negotiate51.A. hot B.freezing C.boiling D.polluted52. A. pulled in B.pulled up C.pulled on D.pulled at53.A. adapted to B.stuck to C.saw to D.got to54.A. reliable B.priceless C.measurable D. considerable55、A.strength B.attempt C.position D.wonder第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)