



20.What can people do on the third floor of the museum?A.Do some shopping.B.See a noodle-making show.C.Learn about the history of noodles.


26.What played a key role in Lucy's success?A.Her effort and determination.B.Her family background.C.Her curiosity about new thingsD.Her talent for performance.



35.Whl ch of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.Why Are We Experiencing Hotter Weather?B.When Will Global Warming Influence Weather?C.How Will Weather Patterns Change in the Future?D.What Cn use s an Increase in Rain fa!l in Most Seasons?


____( ) 44. Beijing Opera’s came from Xipi and Ehwang in Anbui and Hubei.A.music and singing B. acting and fighe ingC. music and acting D. singing and fighting____