



1.A.Nervous. B.Sad. C.Happy.2.A 300 yuan. B.200 yuan. C.400 yuan.3.A.He prefers rainy days.B.He prefers sunny days.C.He prefers snowy days.4.A.Noodles. B.Rice. C.Dumplings.5.A.On Wednesday. B.n Monday. C.On Thursday.6.A.By subway. B.By bike. C.By car.7.A.To the library. B.To the meeting room.C.To the playground.8.A.Sports news. B.Game shows. C.Talk shows.9.A.Twice a week. B.Once a week. C.Three times a week.10.A.An artist. B.A teacher. CA dentist.


space so you can take it anywhere and you'll never be lonely or bored if you have a book in yourbag. 19 Reading relaxes the body and calms the mind. 20 The constant movement, flashing lights____and noise are quite stressful for our brains. When we read in silence, the black print on a white page ismuch less stres ful for our eyes and brains.A.Reading improves concentration.B.Reading develops a child's imagination.C.We seem to have forgotten howto relax and howto be silent.D.Children learn new words and greatly enlarge their vocabulary.E.They do better at all subjects and they do better all the way through school.F.You can read while waiting for a friend or during a flight delay at an airport.G By reading, children learn about people places and events outside their own experience.



4.What does Cathy ask Mike to do?A.Buy her lunch.B.Meet her parents.C.Attend a meeting.


20.What does the speaker think of the future of A I?A.Fearful. B.Hopeful. C.Doubtful.