



听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Family life. B.A weekend plan. C.Their new hobbies.


17.What is the man going to do after work?A.Go to Jennifer's house.B.Buy something in a m all.C.Meet some clients.



34. Why does the author give the example of an e Austen and John Keats?A. To demonstrate their achievements in literature.JanC.To explain the feature of two genius writers.B.To introduce their ideas about literary writings.35.What does the underlined word “champion”proD.To stress the influence an in cider t may have.A. Supporter.A.3.Opponent.ham onn”probably mean in the last paragraph?D. Athlete.


34.How will China further cooperate with developing countriesA. By increasing cultural exchanges.B. By working on various green projects. BC. By attracting more countries to participate in the BRI.D.By providing ssolutions to encourage sustainable growth.