



22. When will students lear about English writing?A.On Jume 15th B. On June 20th. C.00n Jume 233rd. D.On Jue 22nnd.


28.the gas and____electricity before you go out.A. Look up B.Put on C.Lay outD.Shut offan hour.



△)) 34. Tea was bor in China over 4000 years ago. Now it part of people’s lives around the world.____A.becameB.has become CC. was becomingD.will become


42. A. get by通过市过,勉强混B. get down写人经下C.get around在开四处D.get up43. A. unexpectedly B.directly C.unwillingly D.secretly44. A. salary B.discountC.word D.gesture45. A. nothing B.something C.anything D.everything46. A. exists B.disappears C.decreases D.differs47. A. office B.state C.street D.village48. A. travel B.trade C.survive D.suffer49.A.flexible B.convenient C.adventurous D.stressful50. A. afford B.collect C.accept D.request51. A. in short B.in turn C.in store D. in place52.A.bankers B.managers C.customers D.officials53.A.embarrassed B.amazed C.inspired D.confused54. A.order B.performance C. movement D.culture55. A.forbid B.remind C.force D.permit第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)