




听 下面5段对话。每段对话后有一 个小题,从 中所前的,.C三个选项中或出最柱 项。完每段对话后,作都有10秒钟的时间来 路有关小 和 读下 小 。阿段对活仅读一 ,. Why did the police officer s top the woman?A. Becau of the driving spedB. Because of the license peo b lensC. Be case of the broken tail light2. How does the man feel?. Confident. B. Nervous C. x ited.


16.How much more did A led and his friends raise than they heed ed?A.£550. B.£650. C.£750.



A11.What color does the man prefer to paint the beed room? 5ACBAA:1m³BDCA. Light blue.C.Where was the man last night?B. Yellow.C. Pink.BAACABBCD6×15BCcAA BA


4.When do the speakers plan to arrive at the restaurant?t?A.At6:15 pm. B.At 6:45 pm. C.At 7:00 pm.