




10.What's the conversation mainly about?A.A science paper. B.A coffee machine. C.An item description.

34.Why is the fall of Egypt'sOld Kingdom mentioned in the book?A.It can attract readers'attention.B.It is the most important discovery.C.It will make the book popular in Egypt.D.It can serve as a lesson to modern humans.



6.To be lp the readers adopt digital mim alism, I divided the book two parts.____7.When I finally finished my writing, the thought of winning had given way the____enjoyment of writing.8.It was hard for George to leave his dog to a stranger and trust that everything would work____fine.9.More than half of people are planning to make the most the long, warm summer____days to get jobs done.10.Carson's f able teaches that people must take responsibility saving their____environment.11.The young man really practiced hard during the of season and that really paid .____12."The volleyball match turned to be excellent and we achieved our goal, ”said____China coach Zhao Yong at the Chengdu Universiade.13.As we all know, reading articles widely (play) an important role in our study.____14.The teacher, as well as his students, (be) given a warm welcome when visiting____the factory yesterday.


33. What makes the young giraffe born at Brights Zoo special?A.Its extremely large size.B. Its light brown fur.C.Its unusual eating habit. D. Its absence of spots.