



CSeveral years ago, I spent most of my time at a mental hospital(精神病院) in our town. I foundmuch joy there. At first it was a little scary to be there, but I stayed on, because I had a reason fordoing this.I volunteered in a closed environment. To my surprise, I found that a friend of my parents’ was apatient in this hospital. I knew, when I was a baby, this woman wanted to keep me because she hadno chl dren. I looked after this woman and showed my old photos to her. Finally, she was able toremember some past things, and she said to me one day, “Dear, you should not come here. "But Iwanted to bring something happy into this woman's life. I learned that because she had no family, shecouldnt leave here and go home. So I brought her to my home twice and I still remember the happysmile on her face.I have never forgotten this volunteering experience. This woman later passed away. I can't seeher anymore, but I'm happy that I have done something to make a difference in another person’s life.47. How did the writer feel at first when working in the mental hospital?A. Bored. B. Afraid. C. Interested. D. Comfortable.

23.Which aspect of plants is talked about in The Green Planet?A.Their limited life.B.Their uknown behaviour.C.Their abilities to see,D) .Their come ction to oceans.



听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。8. Why does the man want to leave his present job?A. He prefers a full-time jobb.B. He needs to go to school at nightC. He wants a high salary.


6.What do we know about the man?A.He is a writer. B.He failed a test. C.He loves tenis.