




阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B,C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I loved my first-grade teacher, Mrs. Gross. She had such a sweet smile and was 41to us.____ ________ ____I was n't sure what her 42 was at the time but she already looked very motherly. She never____ ____43 her students. To me it felt like having a second mother as my teacher. I always 44____ ____the times I spent in her classroom.One such memory is still with me to this day.We were doing math problems while Mrs. Grosswalked through the classroom 45 our work. I finished first and lifted my 46 up just as____ ____________d mhelMrs. Gross walked up behind me. She looked at my work and 47 , saying, “Well done, Joe.____ ________ ____You're a 48 boy.” It felt good to be 49 . From that moment on I always tried my best.____ ____I always wanted to be what she considered me to be. She awakened a 50 in metobe the best____ ________person I could be.With her gentle love and 51 I started down a wonderful path that I am still____on today.David Whyte wrote, “People are hungry, and one good word is 52 for a thousand.”I____ ____think the good words Mrs. Gross gave me helped me 53 myown good words with others. I____ ________ ____think the 54 Mrs. Gross showed me helped me give love to others. Kind words, loving acts____and a helping hand are 55 in the eyes of someone in need. Make your life a gift of love.____41.A.polite B.friendly C.attractive D.respectful42.A.age B.worry C.thought D.personality43.A.stood by B.worried about C.cared for D.shouted at44.A.forget B.remember C.hit D.waste45.A.pushing B.rejecting C.checking D.improving46.A.head B.foot C.pen D.notebook47.A.turned B.shook C.sighed D.smiled48.A.brave B.smart C.modest D.warm-hearted49.A.rewarded B.cared C.appreciated D.supported50.A.desire B.chance C.pain D.balance


23.What do the four stories above have in common?A.They are created with the same theme.B.Their plots are only full of adventures.C.They are accompanied by beautiful pictures.D.Their characters grew up with their animal friends.



18.Why does the club need the fees badly?A.To attract more students.B.To open another club.C.To buy new equipment.


(3. Because he gets up late. -SA) 3. A. Because of the bad weather.B.Because of the accident.C) 4. A. Cotton.B. Silver. C.Silk.BA6. A. Five months.B. Four months. C. Half a year)5. A. Classical music. B. Pop music.C. Folk music.69日2)7. A. Have a picnic. B. See a film. C. Fly a kite.