




第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A,BC和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。I called my friend Shannon. She’s the one 1 My son had just tured five. My husband and I were41as to which school to sennd himto. We started 42 and visiting schools. Sill, we feltabout which school to choose. Soe I lean o most when I struggle with parenting44gone through all th45 I’m still going through.Having a s on ten years older than mine, she’s goneit to two chic es, both good schools. Your lolove and47“Jeanette, I know you have 46 Shannon saidI wasroc ery49ht g r 51stuck betweenen two cans of beans. One can was t we ayay cents less than the other. It finaly hi ly..”in your kid's life is more important than the48 about which school to attend, " Shan nd, worried about my 50, "I remember when I was doing some late-nightHONOR X30er can of beans showed my care for the family.8页)

13.Why does the man want to sell some of his things?A.He is short of money.B.He'll go somewhere else.C.He plans to open an online store.



30.What is a shortcoming of the modern fruit according to the passage?A.It is short of healthy phytochemicals.B.It may not be as tasty as it used to be.C.It could lack variety and contrast in taste.D.It doesn't meet people's need for sweetness.


16.What does Bill want Tina to do?A.Show him around RomeB. Keep something for him.C.Buy him some souvenirs.