




34.Why are people starting to return to traditional forms of exercise??用A. Sports such as cycling are more impress iye.B. People are treating wellness as an everyday thingC.Classes like hula hoop and yoga are too expe as ive.D.People have come to know wellness is not se necessarry.

2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答,We saw some children and their parents at the entrance when arriving at the stadium.____________Just then, I received a call from my husband. ____________



19. What did the speaker like to do in the afternoon in England?A. Play with his friends.B.Watch comedy shows.C.Have a cup of tea.


D. People live a better life due to their great efforts.30. What can be inferred from what Yan Fei said in the last paragraph?A. The lower class suffers a deep fear of falling downward.B. The middle class tries to be a member of the upper class.C.The greatest fear of every class is to lose what they already have.31. From which column of the newspaper can the passage be taken?D. Involution is inescapable in the development of society for each class.A.Society.B.Economy. C. Entertainment. D. Tourism.