



16. Which sport enjoys the most popularity according to the man?AA. Basketball. B. Football. C.Swimming.


4.Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a car shop. B. At a garage. C. At a car park.



( ) 15. What does the man say about The Bananas?A. Their songs have bad language.B.Their tickets are expensive.C. It is the best band.


Research led by Masters student Alex Dibnah asked: Why are jackdaws so loud when they____43?Then he began to work with a team. The team 's 44 was that the morning callsmight be a jackdaw version of“45”.Each individual'scall might 46 as an“Im in!”________helping them coordinate (协调) their 47.To test this, the researchers artificially 48c all levels during the jackdaws'morning____cacophony using speakers at their sleeping sites. When extra calls were played, the jackdaws____ ____49 earlier, showing they use calls as a check-in system.____Individual jackdaws 50 from leaving with the flock because they get more social____information like where to find food, they can maximize their time spent finding food, and they're____ ____less 51 being attacked. This sort of decision-making is n't 52 to jackdaws - it's been____reported in other species as well.So, the cacophony of jackdaws in the morning is a clever solution to 53 a large group.____ ________If you're 54 by the noise, find comfort in the fact that the louder they get, the sooner they'llleave you in 55.____ ____41.A.frightening B.peaceful C.familiar D.unusual42.A.fading B.stopping C.changing D.rising43.A.fly B.gather C.appear D.return44.A.evidence B.theory C.experimentD.difficulty45.A.fitting in B.breaking in C.stepping inD.signing in46.A.resign B.count C.check D.rank47.A.movement B.progress C.gesture D.demand48.A.created B.graded C.increased D.maintained