




33. Which of the following is TRUE according to paragraphs 3mA?A. The turtle studied had to be alive during testingB. Bikini Atoll and Oak Ridge stood next to each other.C. Enewetak Atoll had more nuclear tests than Bikini Atoll.D The eastern box turtle from Oak Ridge was collected in 1943


10.How long will the woman keep the book probably?A.For one week. B.For two weeks. C.For three weeks.



35. What vill be disc used in the following text?A. The a uly is a n pe. B. The further study of fungi.C. The approach t better ig the experi me mt.D.The beter way to speed up the break-dom.


听下面一段对话,回答第14至第16三个小题。A. rop out.B.Move house.15.What is the woman's present house like? C. Comfortable.14. What does the woman have to do?C. Rent a house.A.Old.B.Remote.