




4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Classmates. B.Boss and secretary.C.Teacher and student.

<6.A. heB B.his C. himself D.himA. quick B.quickly C.lucky D. luckilyD288. A. soB.and C.or D.but尺229 tthrough far will it far it will reachC.what far will it reach D.what far it will reach



Another ten minutes passed. The air hostess remembered it 28 hurried over to the passenger witha cup of the fl wing hour on the plan cac h im the air hot a ps经过by the passenger, she wouldask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger 29 paid attention to heragain. 无注When he was going to 30 the plane the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the____passengers booklet(小册子) .She was very 31 .She was afraid that the passenger wouldn't writedown good words, but with a s mile s he gave it to him.After all the passengers got off the plane, the air hostess 32 his booklet, and smiled happily,for the passenger wrote, “On the flight, you kept asking me whether I need help or not for twelve timesi all . How can I 33 your twelve sincere smiles?____That’s right! Who can refuse warmth from a person?26. A. medicine B. water C. cup127.A. forgot____B.expected C. promised8. A. or B.but C.and299. A. always B.never C.often300. A. get off B. look over C. clean out31. A. happy B.nervous信虑的 C.relaxed32. A. opened B.held C.lost33. A. need B.provide C. refuse


16.What might Lily do in the future?A. Give up windsurfing.B. Act as a windsurfing coach.C. Take part in windsurfing competitions.