




X.词语运用(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填人一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填人所给单词的正确形式)。My name is Grace. I had a great time with Li L in's family today. They welcomed me 71.1. walmth(warm) .172. felt____(feel) so excited. Because it was my 73. first____(one) timeto celebrate Chinese New Year abroad.They treated me 74. ____ of delicious food. Before we were ready to have a big meal myfriend Li L in was busy with laying out the table. Every dish 75. ____ has____(have) its meaning.They stand for peace, good luck, good health and so on. During the preparation, I wanted to make dimpling s.76. but____I was afraid I couldn’t do it well. Li L in encouraged me to have 77. ____oa____tryand I made it finally. After the meal, the family wished each other and me good luck and LL in ls grandpaalso prepared different kinds of 78.____ presents(present ) for us. In the evening, people went to79.____their( they) gardens, and millions of fireworks (烟花) went off together. The skysuddenly became bright and everybody cheered. Everyone was so happy!How 80.meaningful(meaning) this experience was! I will never forget it.



35.What is th purpose nl giving the Mulan cxar rpl a?A.Tr s hw the: hincs laratrr of Dsmeylard.B.To show Mulan is an important part o h inese culture.C.To show(hina'sI is neyland hs noi re fe ed enough Chins calt urs.D.Tn show is neyland has to o f ew thinese charanter lrns.