




A.More youngsters are leaving their parents.B.The quality of life for those parents is declining.C.Parents expect their children to live together.D.Adults dislike returning to their original home.



handle feral (野生的) cats. Our holidays would be 47 if Princess was n't back beforeChristmas. Therefore, I made a poster with a(n) 48of Princess, a hurried drawing and apromised payback. Soon, people visited me with various feral cats because of my uncleardrawing or the 49 I offered. I could never 50 a hungry animal. So many cats moved____into our yard soon.Donna's daily calls continued, and so did my daily visits. I still didn't mention the51. Donna finally returned and showed me the gifts for Princess as we drove home, while52 considered how to 53 the news.When approaching our home, Donna shouted, “You give me the best Christmas gift!”!was 54. Looking around, I saw Princess playing with other cats in our yard! Then Irealized Donna misunderstood my 55. Anyway, that was how I avoided the possibleblame and gave Donna a Christmas gift at the last minute again.41.A.decorating B.recycling C.evaluating D.planning42.A. thoughtful B.cheap C.common D.similar43.A.exercising B.unpacking C.wandering D.arguing44.A.library B.house C.store D.clinic45.A.horribly B.abnormally C.reasonably D.rarely46.A.freeze B.escape C. starveD.move47.A.replaced B.advocated C.ruined D.enriched48. A.collection B.treatment C.approval D.description49.A.reward B.topic C.proposal D.assistance50.A.turn in B.turnout C.turn on D.turn away51. A. complaint B.schedule C.disappearanceD.prediction52.A.proudly B.silently C.angrily D.blindly53.A.analyze B.get C.break D.publish54.A.frightened B.thrilled C.inspired D.confused