



5. What did the man do after the rain started?A. He watched the lightning.B. He went home immediately.C.He returned to the sports center.

4.What does the woman suggest the man do?A.Forgive the food delivery man.B.Place his order as early as possible.C.Give the food delivery man a thumbs-up(好评) .



A. Try to blog every dayB Design your blog by yourselfC If you want to start a personal blogD. Starting a conversation is what you’re doingE When they want to express praise or opinionsF Encourage more people to express praise or opinionsG.Put the blog post you visit least right up there at the top


30. What might happen to people who often eat processed food?A. They have little motivation or drive to exercise.B.They are enthusiastic about intense workouts.C.They obtain much more energy to burn caloriesD. They work productively due to being energetic.