



D56. What does the writer want to tell us with George R. . Martin’s words?A. Winter is her favorite season.B.It always snows heavily in winter.C. The cold season can become warmer.D.Her memories are warm though winter is cold.

h?33. How does boxing affect people's mental health?A. It could overlook a sense of discipline and focus.B. It makes people too excited to ignore mental pain.C. It can relieve some of the symptoms of negative emotions.D. It can completely remove the symptoms of anxiety and depression.34.Why is boxing not just an individual sport?



42, the team couldn't give out any more scholarships . But 43 help was still coming Conti's way.“Until Brian Dooley came into my of ice, ” Creighton said.“And he said, Coach, that guy has 44it. And Ive talked this over with my family. Im willing to 45 my scholarship as a gift to Zack Conti.At that moment, Dooley walked over to Creighton and 46 him an envelope that held his scholarship.The team broke out in 47 . Conti was so 48. He said he knew the coach and Dooley were trying tohelp him, but didn't know Dooley's scholarship would be 49 to him during that meeting.“It feels like all of my hard work is finally being 50 , ”he said.Dooley explained his 51 for helping his teammate.“Conti studies hard and gets extra work to 52his family. Quitting my scholarship s o he can stay and play 53 everything. I’m 54 of wha t he hasbecome and can not wait to see what he does on the 55 .”41.A.borrow B.provide C.receive D.cover42.A.Unwillingly B.Intolerably C.Unfortunately D.Unbelievably43.A.emotional B.financial C.medical D.academic44.A.won B.donated C.earned D.offered45.A.take over B.give up C.bring in D.pull out46.A.handed B.delivered C.bought D.mailed47.A.whispers B.noises C.cheers D.jokes48.A.depressed B.fearful C.embarrassed D.thankful49.A.sent B.posted C.presented D.returned50.A.rewarded B.paid C.commented D.observed51.A.project B.motivation C.plan D.theory52.A.rum B.build C.start D.support53.A.means B.tells C.explains D.decides54.A.sick B.proud C.scared D.ashamed55.A.yard B.farm C.market D.field


( ) 5.A.By taking notes in class.B.By listening to English songs.C. By reading English stories.ni .8