



根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。BA:πhe summer holiday will come soon. sB:I prepare to camp in amn ountain with some of my good friends.A:SSounds great.552EB: Neither. Ride there.56$$A _ { 1 }$$:I agree with you completely. What will you plan to do there?B:CA: It’s so funny to go camping. Have you ever been there before?B: Never 55$$A _ { 1 }$$It's so wonderful. Can I join you the great camp?B:Of course. Let’s meet at the gate of the school at eight tomorrow morning.A: Many thanks.A. Do you want a relaxing trip?B. What’s your holiday plan?C. How will you go there for holiday?D. We want to experience an exciting journey.E. Will you drive or take the bus there?F. We will put up some tents and camp there.G.We want to experience a kind of green life.


23.What will the library do if borrowers can't return books on time?A.Tell them the date in advance.B.Punish them by fining them.C.Post a fine bill to them. D.Force them to hand in the OK-Share card.



As she 53 these small things, she found herself feeling more content and happy. She realized thathappiness was not something that could be 54 or found in grand moments but was something that could befound in the 55 moments of life.41.A.remembered B.witnessed C.demonstrated D.thought42.A.explosive B.grand C. excitingD.en thus in stic43.A.goal B.habbit C.experienceD.style44.A.except B.beside C. despiteD.unless45.A.emptiness B.happiness C. struggleD.faith46.A.bitter B. reluctant C.contentD. pretended47.A.pull up B.show up C.break upD. struck up48.A.revealed B.anticipated C.performedD.prayed49.A.thirsty B.grateful C. suitableD.fit50.A.control B.possession C. companyD.preservation51.A.meaningful B.little C.embarrassingD.surprising52.A.crying B.screaming C.curseD.laughter53.A.looked throughB.focused on C.participated in D.contribute to54.A.chased B.illustrated C.proceeded D.measured55.A.great B.harmonious C.unbelievable D.daily


“For many people, the best time to exercise will depend on their chrono type, ” says He is z, authorof Move the Body, Heal th e Mind.“Chrono type is your body s natural habit to sleep at a certain time it’s what decides whetheryou're a night owl or an early bird. For the 25 of the population that considers themselves a nightowl, getting both enough sleep and enough exercise can be difficult, ” add s He is z.He continues, "Sleep which provides your body the necessary time to recover(恢复) and makegains from exercise should always be the first choice. When it comes to exercise, regardless ofresearch on the advantages of certain exercises at particular times of the day, your results will not begood if it doesn’t allow enough time for sleep."8.What can women get by doing evening exercise according to the study? ( )