



25. How did researchers achieve their finding?A.By searching online for detailed information.B.By interviewing experts about their opinions.C.By conducting surveys among young adults.D.By comparing data from long-term studies.


第三部分第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C,D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,I found a wonderful pie ture of Mao lan ka rst e ones online and presented it to the im keeper. "Youfoucan’t go there, " the in keeper 41 me. The viewing platform has ben clase d due to thatcan’t g o thertoo many visitors could cause geological damas ge.thatDespite ouurdisappointment, we 43an aitetgtive a seven hour hike through theforest Initally, we were the “funnelo r un the risk. However. I had 4 the to tt riaa motto in there reserve: I you don’t do it now, you won’t do i in your life ts me. " Thr er ol our group reed to venture into the forest. The in nke pe rea godventure ind edit4 “Gire at, beatec idGrylls went there.



29.What can we infer from paragraph 4?A.Manatees are getting fatter.B.Global warming directly kills manatees.C.Fish is manatees'one food source.D.Manatees are beneficial to ecology.


just watch a movie? I had chosen the“movie route”too many times and this time I was 51 tograsp the opportunity. After a long and careful 52, I played my violin with Leroy. 53 Ididnt lose all my nervousness, it was enough for me to overcome my fear. Finally, I 54 a fullperformance in front of the audience.A short time later, my friend Leroy passed away, but his 55 stayed. It helped me not only inmusic, but in all aspects of life. When I focused on what I wanted to do, fear will be replaced with joy.41.A.worriedly B.calmly C.patiently D.angrily42.A.pretended B.regretted C.agreed D.tried43.A.on time B.in order C.in vain D.on display44.A.challenged B.invited C.allowed D.reminded45.A.convincing B.informing C.warning D.cheating46.A.refused B.received C.blamed D.evaluated47.A.important B.special C.reliable D.skilled48.A.shocked B.scared C.satisfied D.ashamed49.A.teaching B.begging C.forcing D.expecting50.A.chance B.goal C.task D.choice51.A.suitable B.curious C.willing D.generous52.A.preparation B.explanation C.test D.search53.A.If B.Since C.Though D.When54.A.planned B.recommended C.watched D.offered55.A.fame B.influence C.concern D.care