



阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AThe roller coaster(过山车) is a scary thing in most parks. But I think it's a very interestingand 31 thing.Not long before I went to Happy Valley in Beijing with my friends. The roller coasters in thispark were all exciting, and my friends were 32 of riding them.“It's too scary. I can't do it, ”said one of my friends. “But we all need to 33 ourselves!”I encouraged them. At last, wedecided to 34 the Music Roller Coaster.When the roller coaster started moving, my friends were to o 35 to open their eyes. I t oldthem that 36 was just right for their fear. So they just shouted the whole time during the ride! After37 the roller coaster, a girl said it was not scary anymore. She 38 it was exciting and fun.We tried some other roller coasters too. We were no longer afraid and were 39 lookingforward to them. The friend who was very afraid just now opened her e yes, and she felt totally fine.Sometimes, our fear is the biggest 40 . The most dangerous enemy is yourself. When youthink something is scary, just try it. You will then understand your real power.31.A. boring B.tiring C.challenging D.moving32.A. careful B.free C.fond D.afraid33.A. push B.express C.enjoy D.introduce34.A. stopB.control C.watch D.try35.A. thin B.weak C.young D.nervous36.A. singing B.shouting C.comparing D.thinking37.A. looking downB.taking up C. getting off D.tidying up38.A. thought B.decided C.bet D.regarded39.A. even B.only C. seldom D.still40.A. treasure B.standard C.difficulty D.progress


34.Dega no and her colleagues placed things inside plastic bags to .____A.protect them from harm B.gather their smellsC.test the special machine D.back up a larger project



贯完整。would doLong time ago, there was a king(国王) in Engl ain England. He was kind but too lazy. He woul331 except eating and sleeping. Soon he became 32 and heavy. Later, he couldnt even movehis body. He though t he was ill (生病的) . But no 33 in his country could help him.One day, an old man heard about the king’s 34. He wanted to help him. The king decided tolet him try. The old man lived far away . He 35 to the king, “I'll do my best to hel p yo You needto come to me for treatment (治疗) tomorrow. But you have to 36 to come to me for treatment (I'll do so, "the king answered.The next day the king 37 the man’s house on foot. After he arrived, the king found only theman’s s on was at home. The son told the king to coson told the king to come the next day. He came every day for two weeks,h 38 aw the old man. The king became 39. But then he found he became thinner. Hetheknew why the old man asked him to walk s o f ar.Walking can make people’s body healthy. It's easy and doesn’t cost 40( ) 31. A. something B. anything C. everythingD. nothingC. strongD.cute( ) 32. A. fat B. tallC.engineers D.children( ) 33.A. writers B.doctors( ) 34.A. story B.education C.hobby D. apartment( ) 35. A. sang B.heard C. said D.played( ) 36.A.wonder B.walk C. swing D.point( ) 37.A. listened to B.went out C. made up D. got to( ) 38.A.usually B.often C.always D.never( ) 39.A.outgoing B.creative C.angry D.personal


第一节:阅读下面一封书信,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使书信连贯完整。Dear Grandma,Im glad to hear from you. In your letter, some interesting stories 21 with me. Here I will tell you astory of mine.You know I like writing 22very much, so I usually go to the bookshop every weekend. Last Sunday, Irode to the bookshop as usual.While I was reading a book carefully in the bookshop, 23 girl’s voice suddenly interrupted(打断) me.“Excuse me. Can you help me? I can’t get that book 24 myself.”I felt a little angry and stoppedreading.I turned to the girl and I found she was looking at me in a wheelchair at that time. The girl didn’tgive up and she still asked 25 help her.I quickly got the book for her. That was a book about poems.“You 26 like poems very much. Right?”I asked her.“Yes. I always want 27 lilife in a different way, although I can't walk or run like other____girls. I like reading poems. Many of them encourage me to be 28 than other girls.”After I heard the girl's words, I thought a lot. I decided 29aa poem for this girl. And I really hope mypoem 30 her more courage(勇气) to live a happy life.____What do you think of my idea? Best wishes!Yours,JimmyC. will be shared21. A. sharedB. were sharedD. will shareC.roomD. poems22. A. roomsB. poemD.an23. A. theC./B.a