



听第8段材料,回答第11至13题11. What do the speakers have to do three hours later?A. Attend a meeting.B.Deposit their luggage.C.Catch the flight to NewYork12.Why do the speakers decide to go to the coffee stand

Currently, the fingernail-sized device can only create continuous electricity equal to a fraction of avolt. But the researchers hope it can someday become a practical, sustainable source of power. The entireEarth is covered with a thick layer of humidity, ”Yao said. “It's an enormous source of clean energy. This isjust the beginning in making use of that.” Next, the researchers want to try stacking (堆叠) the devices ontop of eachother to produce more energy.( ) 32.What is the new technique intended for?A. Measuring air humidity. B. Storing renewable electricity.C. Generating power from the air.D.Tracing the moving water molecules.



8.Who will come to the airport to meet the woman?A.Her doctor. B.The secretary. C.The Managing Director.


第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Casey McIntyre recently died of cancer(癌症) . Before she passed away, Ms.McIntyre 41 away to helpothers. In 2019, doctors told her that she hada 42 kind of cancer that's usually found in women much olderthan her. Though Ms.McIntyre was 43 treatment for the cancer, her health was failing.But she 44 that in away, she was 45 than some other people. She had insurance(保险) to help payfor her medical care. Ms.McIntyre and her husband knew that many people with cancer had to 46 toughdecisions because of the 47 of medical care . She 48 others who were n'tas lucky as she had been. Soon,Ms.McIntyre and her husband began donating money to a group called RIP Medical Debt. This group 49 topay off the unpaid medical debts(欠款) of others. A few weeks later, she 50 to make an effort to help asmany people as she possibly could.On November 12, Ms.McIntyre passed away. Her husband posted a 51 onher social media account.“Ifyou'rereading this, I have passed away, ”the post said.“To celebrate my 52 , I've arranged to buy upothers'medical debts.”The couple had created a page on a website to 53 money for this purpose.The post attracted a lot of 54. In less than a week, the donations on the web page 55 passed theoriginal goal. And the donations are still coming in.41.A.missed out B.referred to C.found out D.cut off42.A.general B.serious C.fine D.right43.A.booking B.calling C.offering D.receiving44.A.realized B.doubted C.suggested D.guessed