



83. Don't try to fit in everyone. Make friends with those with the same interest.____

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。scierceAWHAT IS SCIENCE GAMES?With a focus on collaboration, connection, discovery, and fun,students in British Columbia will have an opportunity to participate in a 3-week science journey inAt SJuly 2023! At Science Games, students from Grades 1-6 across BC explore science first-hand in anonline group led by engineers and geoscientists.This interactive event hosted online gives students the chance to investigate the ways scienceaffects their everyday lives. Diving deep into the world of innovation, participants will connect withother like-minded students and work together online to create their own solutions during eachSaturday activity session.



27.WWhat can we learn about Boa fo?A. He is talkative. C B. He is patient.C. He is determined.D.He is humorousC


BXXian yu is an app(软件) for people(人) to sell their old things(旧物品) . Many(许多) of mywant to use(使用) it now. My classmates, Wang Hua and Li Jing are two of42.Hello! I’m Wang Hua. I d on't want to throw away(扔掉) my old things . 43I will(将)sell the m on Xian yu. I have some books.and a ping-pong bat. How much are they?Letme tell you. A book is five vu an and a tape is one yuan. The ping-pong bat is 45____so it’s 30 1an.IDo you want to 46 these old things? Call mI’m Li Jing. I have some sports shoes, notebooks and birthday cards I dont 47 themnow. You can buy the m 48 very good prices. The shoes are old but the notebooks and thebirthday 49 are new(新的) .A pair of sports shoes is 20 yuan. A notebook is 3 yuan and abirthday card is 501 yuan. Do you need them? Please e-mail me at lijinga163.com.A.friends B.cousins C. teachersD.classmatesA.them B.you C.your D.their43.A.howB.after .so D.butA.rulersB.tapes C.erasers D.mapsA.fineB.healthy C.fat .nice46.A.buyB. need C.know D.callB.sell C.play D.love.A.haveB.of C.atD.to3.A.forB.clothes C. fruitsA. photosB.always C.only D.thenD.cardsA.really补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分))