




第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Samson Adams worked as a server at Texas Roadhouse in Paducah, Kentucky. He41 about 30 miles away from his workplace and didn't own a car, so he had to 42early and ride his bicycle to work. He was diabetic(糖尿病的) and had to have 43 inbetween his long journey, which made it a 6-hour round 44 . He had been patient with hissituation and used what he had, instead of 45 and being lazy.46 , Adams' co-worker Joelle Long got to know his unfortunate story. When she47 that Adams was always tired at work, she found out about everything.kOne night Adams' bike broke down and he had to 48 it home. Therefore, she decidedto offer him rides, which he accepted with 49.When the restaurant staff learned about Adam's story, they quickly to ok 50 tosupport Adams. They set up a Go Fund Me campaign for him with a goal of raising $1, 000which would 51 the costs of a car as well as gas and insurance. It gained over $6, 000 inall. The 52 cash would be set aside for Adams'future use.Adams did not expect the 53 from his co-workers. When he was called to see his newcar, he was 54 to tears. Adams felt so blessed and grateful for having 55 andkind co-workers.41.A.stayed B.lived C.cared D.went42.A.come about B.set in C.get up D.takeoff43.A.breaks B.medicines C.dinners D.meetings44.A.ball B.ring C.circle D.trip45.A.shouting B.complaining C.laughing D.wondering46.A.Luckily B.Formally C.Hopefully D.Apparently47.A.decided B.thought C.noticed D.imagined


34.Why did Picasso remove the dog according to Julie Barten?A. He painted the dog badly.B. It affected the whole work.C. He got advice from viewers.D. There were already dogs in it.



听第第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.What is the speaker mainly talking about0入.BA.Public bookshelves in Germany.B. The streets of Germany.C.The education of Germany.


13. What did the man do last night?A. He went to the movies.B. He went to a match.C.He went to a concert,