



13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Classmates. B.Guide and tourist.C.Teacher and student.


of the 47 building at the same college. As I helped her carry her things up to her room, I 48 thatshe seemed to have much more 49 than I did years ago. What's more, she looked more worried than I50being on my first day there.Last night I hada 51that I was back in that same room wondering what clases I would take. Ioften wondered what this dream 52 but when I woke up this morning it became clear to me. We aresometimes teachers in life, but we are always 53 in it. We are here taking the most 54 class everand it takes a lifetime. The stuff(东西) we carry with us through this life doesn't matter at all either. It isthe stuff we carry inside of us when we leave this life that 55.41.A.nearly B.hardly C.immediately D.finally42.A.work B.college C:business D.farm43.A.tired B.moved C.worried D.encouraged44.A.covered B.equipped C.decorated D.filled45.A.introduced B.rushed C.carried D.walkedd46.A.doubting B.realizing C.regretting D.wondering47.A.real B.special C.right D.same48.A.noticed B.feared C.heard D.believed49.A.information B.package C.progress D.knowledge50.A.decided B.received C.remembered D.expected51.A.promise B.memory C.reason D.dream52.A.meant B.connected C.explained D.proved53.A.parents B.students C.drivers D.children54.A.traditional B.convenient C.important D.difficult55.A.matches B.counts C.considers D.cares第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)



19.What should the listeners do if they want to vis at the Fil d hot e Library?A.Go there at the weekend.B.Visit its webs rte first. C.Book in advance


34. What should teenagers do with their parents'inconsistency?A.Object to it personally.B.Do some studies differently.C.Complain of it continually.D.Talk with their parents calmly.