



55. A. turned up B.turned inteto C.turned down D.turned over第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填人适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Tea drinking originated in China. Legend says that emperor Shen nong discovered the leaves56 could detoxify(解毒) the body. During the Song and Tang dynasties, this drink fromthe East began to have 57 (globe) significance. About 1, 500 years ago, tea 58(bring) to the Western through the Silk Road routes. Around 800 years ago, tea culture spreadto Japan. Japanese monks drank tea while meditating. These gradually evolved into the Japanesetea ceremony. Just 400 years ago, a ship 59 (load) with tea left China for Europe. Sincethen, Chinese tea 60 (be) a familiar drink and a key import to Europe. The era of tea as61 mass business began. During its world journey, Chinese tea has heen mixed with variedlocal 62 (culture) and has taken on diverse forms and styles. Tea is now an importantcultural heritage shared by people worldwide. And tea culture embraces the essence of China'sculture and is redefined based 63 customs of different regions. Today, when 64(drink) tea, we are enjoying its elegant and poetic qualities, an Eastern aesthetic charm,alo he diene chual memais of the wld ow plas j me fora shing cp

7.What can be inferred from what Gerald Meehl said?A.Carbon dioxide will become a rare gas in the future.B.The climate will become increasingly better in the future.C.Reducing the release of greenhouse gases can help limit extreme climate.D.The small amount of carbon dioxide in the air won't cause serious consequences.C.You had better stay at home instead of going outD.Therefore, avoid touching your face while shoppingE.As a result, you should wear a mask when you go shoppingF.Moreover, try to maintain a safe, six-foot distance from other shoppersG.Before you head out to one, you need some guidelines to ensure your safety



9.What can be known about the woman?A.She dislikes taking the subway.B.She has finished her homeworkC) She has accepted the man's invitation.


2.Why does the man call Olivia?A. To invite her to a party. B. To cancel an appointment.C. To ask about the homework.