




help boost your self-confidence. Easy ways to start include taking a break when you’reoverwhelmed(不堪重负的) , wearing your favorite outfit, or doing something you love.Act as if you feel confident.B Your self-confidence starts to rise.C. It's a necessary part of being human.D. Hower, it is something that everyone can do!Think positively about yourself and your skills.F.Actually, it's hard to feel good about yourself if you overuse your health.So focus on creating healthier relationships with the positive people in your life.


26.We can infer from the passage that .____A.the-author never bought her mom anythingB.the author's mom has iohom has o money to purchase nowC.the author's mom regrets buying so many thingsD. the author knows her mom's suffering only this week



听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?C. Husbandand and wwifeA. Neighbors.B.Mother and son


C. An impressive river highway running through a river.D.AD. An initiative to so sru ct a suspended highway.