



14. When does the man need to hand in his application?A. As soon as the term starts.B.In two months after the term starts.C.In two months before the term starts.15. What can students use I-20 to apply for?


3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The man's plan for a holiday.B.Where to buy special foods.C. How the woman’s family spent a festival.



22.What should you pay attention to when renting a bike via an app?A.Providing your personal informationB.Taking enough cash.C.Minding the time limit. D.Making a reservation


请听第4段对话,回答第13至第15小题。13.Why does the boy advise Emily to drink the soup later?A. Because the soup is too hot now.B. Because it’s no i a gn maner to drink soup first.aC.Because there’s no spoon on the table now.