




16.What does the man say about the woman?A.She is puzzled. B.She is brave. C.She is frightened.

As the little dog looked up at me, his helpless eyes 43 my heart. Do I have him asour 44 or let him go? His eyes 45 my thought of driving him away.“I'm not 46to leave him alone, ”I said to Phil.“Well, just 47 him, ”he responded. So we drove himto a pet hospital to have a 48.Luckily, he was healthy except for a little hunger.Then the little dog 49 our family. I liked him even more a s he 50. He was sofriendly. He always greeted us by wagging his tails and played with our baby. We were551 to him, so we called him Honey. We got so attached to Honey that it was hard for usto 52 ourselves from him.When he was one year old, he was attacked by a terrible 53.I spent long nights____nursing him, and 54, he re covered from the serious illness. I breathed a sign of 55.Honey turned into a big dog, and he was strong enough to overcome the illness.41. A. lap B.face C.arm D.head42. A. refuse B.hesitate C.dare D.hope43. A. represented B.proved C.damaged D. touched44. A. food B.pet C.assistant D.income45. A. shook B.for gave C.confirmed D.caused46. A. proud B.nervous C. determined D.disappointed47. A. buy B.sell C.throw D.keep48.A. trouble-maker B.check-up C. break D.bath49.A. looked into B.set up C. belonged to D.pulled down50. A. fell B.grew C.quit D.left51. A. devoted B.opposed C.seniorD.rude52. A. protect B.track C.feed53. A. disease B.earthquake C.neighborD. distanceD.animal



19.What did the old man ask the woman to do?A.Buy a chicken and set it free. ui alt an shue i gaidqi ut al a lysaB.Collect all the feathers she dropped. we no ot borryiesh ylleilioq a 1C.Bring him a live chicken.


7.What does the woman suggest the man do?AC.Go out with his friend.A.Download an app.B.Cook unique cuisines.