



4.Why does Jack look unhappy?A.His pencil case got lost.B. Terry didnt apologize to him.C. He failed the math exam.

.What is the conversation mainly about?A. Skin problems. B. Eating habits.C. Health care.



3.Why does the woman think Alice isnt suitable for the job?A. She’s not full of energy.B. She’s too enthusiastic.C. She’s not experienced.


-You are right. I beli eye every Chinese is ____that.A. famous for proud of C. sure about D. similar to28.3.-Bob, you____to go to the teachers office just now. What’s up?-We ar en’t allowed to bring phones to school. Em, but I broke the rule.A. told B. tell C. are told D. were told29.If you____what the speaker is saying, youu are sure to lear some thiringg useful.