



A)14.What do we know about Hou Yi?14.A.He didn't like the sun.B.He was good at flying.C. He was brave.

1333.The supermarket is the most popular in town it's not very large.____A.so that B.even thoughC. as soon asD.as long as



25. How was Louis after breaking the world record?CA. Surprised and thankful. B. Modest and satisfied.C. Grateful and proud. D. Thrilled and shocked.


答案是C。1.When will the meeting begin??A.At2:00 pm. B.At2:30pm. C.At3:00pm.2.What happened to the man?A.He lost a black car.B.He got injured. C.He got lost on campus.3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?