




Opened in 1900, this library is part of the University of Manchester, one of the top five universities inthe UK.This library offers limitless research potential for students.Whether you want to make use of therich collections available, or simply explore the site, this library should be on everyone's must-see list.The Mitchell Library, GlasgowThe Mitchell Library is one of Glasgow's most famous landmarks.On the top of the copper dome(圆屋顶) is a bronze statue of the Roman goddess, Minerva.Visitors can climb the dome for the city's mostdistinctive rooftop views.21. Which library requires a reading pass to enter the reading room?A.Bodleian Old Library B.The Mitchel 1 LibraryC.John Rylands Library D.The British Library

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(提示:65题为易错题)The Shaanxi Hong jian nao National Nature Reserve, with the Hong jian nao Lakeat it s core, is located in the north of Shaanxi Province. With a total area of 107. 68square kilometers, this wetland is one of the main 61 (habitat) for relict gull(list) on the Internationalor Central Asian gull, a migratory bird speciess 6Union for Conservation of Natures Red List of Threatened Species.The Central Asian gull breeds(繁殖) inland in places 63(include) Kazakhstan,Mongo and the northern part of China, spending their winters around the Bob aMongol ing, they fly to desert lakes in Northwest China. However, the en io mentSea ong jian nao Lake worsened, 64 (cast) a shadow over he p 2 2In 2010.7.700 baby gulls were bred within a year. However, after 2012 thenumber of mid-lake islands 65 the gulls made their nests kept decreasing, leadingnto 66 number of the baby gulls dropping to 2, 000. To protect the environment,the provincial-level Hong jian nao Nature Reserve 67 (establish) in 2014.68 (adopt) a series ofSo far, the Hong jian nao National Nature Reservemeasures to restore the ecology, like river management and water quality monitoring



23.In which section of a website can you find this text?A.Travel. B.Culture.C.Education. D.Environment.


A.Vegetables. B.Flowers. badroomC.Ponds.17. How many roms are there in the house?livingroomCA. Three. B.Four. diningroommC.Five.