文博志鸿 2024年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课模拟考试(预测二)英语试卷答案

文博志鸿 2024年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课模拟考试(预测二)英语试卷答案试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于文博志鸿 2024年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课模拟考试(预测二)英语试卷答案试卷答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、文博志鸿 2024年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课模拟考试(预测二)英语试卷答案听力部分

____12. Sally out her book and read it at once.A.takes B. took C.is taking D.will take

文博志鸿 2024年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课模拟考试(预测二)英语试卷答案

A. A travel flyer.B.A culture website.C. A fashion magazine. DD. A sales email.BDuring the Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 in 2023, one of the highlights is a 48-year-old Uzbekistangymnast Oksana Chu so vi tina ("Chu so as she is a fection ately known) , who continues to compete despitenumerous “retirements".Bom i n Ba khara, Uzbekistan in 1975. Chu so competed and won gold in her first Olymp ie C ames Barcelo ma 1997. Afer compe ing a the Atlata 1996 0lympic Games, Chuso got maried in 1997 a years later, Alisher, her son, was born. Chu so's first retirement was due after competing at the Sydney 2000Olympic Games, by which time five world championship medals had been won including three gold a. But in2002, Alisher was diagnosed with leukemia (白husda.was available and Chuse continued to train as a way to take a break from the stresses of her son's health.osed with leukemia (白血病) . The family moved to Germany where better treatment

2、文博志鸿 2024年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课模拟考试(预测二)英语试卷答案选择题部分

文博志鸿 2024年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课模拟考试(预测二)英语试卷答案

19.Who usually controls the songs in a North American karaoke?A. The singer. B. The audience. C.The DJ.

文博志鸿 2024年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课模拟考试(预测二)英语试卷答案

4.Which means of transportation does the man prefer?A.The train. B.The plane. C.The bus.