




听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Improving job skills.B.Taking school classes.C.Planning a vacation.

The musician brings his mother back to their old house in the countryside, but the____mother who is often lost in 42 insists on returning to her"home ", a place seemingly 43____to her childhood memories.After discovering that his mother was 44 trying to leave the house to find her so-called" home "the son finally decides to 45 some simple items a tent and somekitchenware on to his motorcycle and tries to seek her"home".His only clue as toits46 is an old photo, describing a boundless wilderness.The film re- explores the 47 between parents and children. In the film, the son, to____48his m other from getting lost or encountering danger, ties a thick 49 around both of____their waists and keeps it 50 from day tonight, 51when he is working or sleeping. In________the 52 moments of the film, the son seems to have become the father eventually and themother has become the 53.They are connected to each other by the rope, which 54 the____'umbilical cord(脐带) . The film's director hopes it will help young audiences to 55 their________relationship with their parents and reflect more deeply on the meaning of life.41.A.reveals B.becomes C.permits D.gives42.A.admiration B.romance C.confusion D.panic43.A adding B.connecting C.reacting D.appealing44.A.unwillingly B.repeatedly C.possibly D.delightedly45.A.break up B.clear up C.give up D.pack up46.A.scenery B.moment C.location D.nest47.A.element B.relationship C.foundation D.gratitude48.A.prevent B.discourage C.ban D.excuse49A.net B.rope C.label D.cloth50.A.nailed B.wrapped C.fastened D.locked51.A.even B.rather C.just D.ever52.A.exact B.rare C.initial D.final53.A.client B.prisoner C.bride D.child



10. What’s the relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues. B. Friends. C. Interviewer and interviewee.


34.What role does art play in our life according to Marcel Proust?A.Art is of help for us to accept ourselves better.B.Art makes our life more colourful and meaningful.C.Art allows us to know the world in the view of others.D.Art pushes us away from ourselves and explores the moon.