




A. The first step is the choice of tools.B. However, howto make a perfect picture?C. Besides, rem mber not to shoot against the light.D. It's vital to set the smartphone or camera properly.E.A photographer should decide what to focus attention on.F. Let's look at some advantages of photos during the trips.G.Luckily, there are numerous apps to improve such details

请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I am Jill and I have a new neighbor. Her name is Penny. She is not a beautiful girl. Sheis short and a little heavy. She has short hair. She is quiet and never speaks too much withothers. Sometimes I can meet her near my home when I go out for a walk And she just goesaway quickly. She has no friends because she doesn't like to talk to others.One day after dinner, I go for a walk at the park with my dog To by. I have a goodtime and enjoy watching To by running around at the park. But on my way home, To byis lost. I can’t find him. I ask many people at the park if they see To by, but no one saysyes. I’m very worried(担心的) and don't know what to do. Then I meet Penny. She isvery friendly to help me. She asks me to describe what To by looks like and helps melook for To by everywhere. At last, we find To by under a tree.From the n on, I change(改变) my way to tell whether a girl is cute or not. AndPenny and I are good friends now.( ) 39. What does Penny look like?A. She is beautiful and tall.B.She is tall and a little heavy.



26. What is the young whale like?A.Wild and rude. B.Wiis e and cooperativeC、Cuu rious and careful. D.Co mplex and mysterious.


22. Which event best suits antique lovers?A.Flower City Days. B.Artist Row.C.Holidays at the Market. D.Community Yard Sales.