



2.Why is the woman unhappy?A.Her father is strict with her.B.One of her family members is ill.C.She fails to get on with her mother.

听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Why did the woman go to New York?A.To spend some time with her sister and her baby.B.To look after her sister for some time.C.To find a new and well-paid job.9.How old is the baby now?A.Two months. B.Five months. C.Seven months.



()442.The tickets of Home Coming for two adults are____A.40 yuan B.60 yuan C.830yuan D.100yuan


27.What message is conveyed in the last par graph?A.Practice is the best teacher. B.The blind have more vivid imagination.C.Things are not set in concrete. D.Vision is not the only window on the world.