



9. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Put soil in the salad.B. Have ice cream C. Ses a doctor.

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。When it comes to 61 (effect) communication, even though we re ly on language toexpress our 62 (thought) or emotions, nonverbal(非言语的) communication, such asfacial expressions and body language, is just as important as the words we use. But theCOVID-19 pandemic 63 (pose) a challenge to the entire world over the past three years.With social distancing and the use of face masks 64 (become) the new normal, we mighthave become a bit more deliberate(小心翼翼的) about expressing ourselves and have 65tendency to adjust our facial expressions or body language in our interactions with others. Wemight be“louder”non verbally. For example, a tight hug could, in normal circumstances, tellour friends we were super excited 66 (see) them. The same goes for how we expressourselves while giving opinions in a meeting room-the body language is “louder”since the



3.When will the woman reach the school?A.Before 10 o'clock.B.About 11o'clock. C.At11:30.


听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。1.What do the speakers both order?A.A cold coffee. B.A sandwichC.A Frankie.