




34. What advice do the researchers offer on children's early years education?A.Dads should spare ten minutes a day to apparently benefit kids.B.Dads should maximize time to interact with their kids each week.C.Schools should generate strategies to involve parents in management.D.Schools should regularly contact parents to develop mother-engagement.35.What is the main idea of the text?


13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Siblings. B.Classmates. C.Neighbours.



4.What can be learned about the woman?A.She also left the game early.B.She missed the whole game.C.She is curious about the result.


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。________In recent years, China 56 (see) a boom in “new tea beverages(饮料) ” thatcombine brewed tea, fresh fruits and vegetables, sometimes laced with(加入) dairy products or juice.________which are 57 (particular) popular among young people.As new tea beverages________58 (vary) of tea drinks help meet young peoples desirefor relaxation and social sharing, and have even become a part for socia l if e. Now, when a new flavor________of drink 59 (appear) , plenty of young people would line up in front of beverage shops____60 crowd in online takeaway platforms 6l (look) forward to a freshly made________cup and then can not wait to post it on social media.________According to data from i Media Research 62 market scale of China's te a-baseddrinks increased to 279 billion yuan ( 539 billion in 2021) and is expected 63 (reach)____