



30. When do the researchers hope to begin testing their system on real roads?A.This year. B.In the future.C.It'shard to know. D.It depends on the weather.

11.What is the main message conveyed by Zhang Xiao jing's experiences?A.The importance of gaining practical experience through internships.B.The need for informed decision-making in the face of overwhelming information.C.The value of taking time to explore different areas before settling on a career path.D.The challenges faced by the 00's generation” due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



35. How are the IARC and JECFA's assessments carried out?A. By reminding people of risks.B. By gathering scientific data.C. By monitoring new evidence.D.Byy cooperating with research groups.


29. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?A. Why scientists study the trees.B.Who pays more attention to the trees.C. What the trees provide for the parakeets.D. How the parakeets help the trees return.