




C 15.What is the woman's most expensive thing?A.A leather coat. B.A pair of jeans. C.A pair of boots.


2.How will the weather be this weekend according to the weatherman?A.Cool. B.Warm. C.Cold.



Soon, my father asked if I was ready to go home. I silently 49 my headyes. Into the car,I 50 and couldnt stop weeping. My father asked me what was wrong.“Is Grandma going to51 my graduation?"I asked.It took him a long time to respond, “Yes. She may not know where she is, but she will bethere, no matter what.”The rest of the car ride home was 52 . When we eventually arrivedhome, I rushed to my room and cried for hours. That night, I could picture that Grandma’s 53would be changed from the care giver to care receiver.Ever since that talk with my Grandma, I have matured and 54. Her Alzheimer(阿尔茨海默症) has progressed to about stage 3 now. At my graduation, I was sitting on the stage seeingGrandma there sitting with the rest of my family.“She may not know where she is, but she will bethere”. My father's words 55 in m y ears.41.A.flew B.cycled C.drove D.walked42.A.chatted B.argued C.consulted D.whispered43.A.Finally B.Suddenly C.Immediately D.Constantly44.A.loving B.bright C.watery D.empty45.A.concerned B.confused C.cautious D.curious46.A.identify B.remind C.persuade D.tell47.A.Shocked B.Amazed C.Disappointed D.Excited48.A.assistant B.freshman C.senior D.genius49.A.shook B.nodded C.raised D.lowered50.A.calmed down B.cut in C.called out D.broke down51.A.attend B.forget C.celebrate D.cancel


32.1How can robots benefit students with learning disabilities?ntsB.By offering emotional support.A.By providing advanced knowledge.D. By acting as learning companionons.